characteristic vector câu
My defining characteristic is that I have a very beautiful smile.Đặc điểmcủa tôi nằm ở chỗ tôi có nụ cười rất đẹp. There's a particula...

Waiting to get a vector on his position.Chờ đợi để có được tính toán vị trí của mình. I never said that the Vector Fields were rationa...

characteristic classes
The Euler class, in turn, relates to all other characteristic classes of vector bundles.Lớp Euler, lần lượt, liên quan đến tất cả các l...

characteristic curve
Part 5: Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and Area under the CurveHình 2: Ví dụ về Receiver Operating Characteristic curve và Are...

characteristic distortion
Rationalization – characteristic distortion of the ‘facts’ to make an event or an impulse less threatening.Hợp lý hóa là sự méo mó nhận...

characteristic equation
Frobenius also proved the general result that a matrix satisfies its characteristic equation.Frobenius cũng đã chứng minh kết quả tổng ...

characteristic frequency
Note: A carrier frequency may, for example, be designated as the characteristic frequency.Thí dụ một tần số mang có thể được coi như tầ...

characteristic function
It is a great surprise that a soy protein has such a characteristic function.Thật đáng ngạc nhiên khi protein có chức năng rộng như vậy...

characteristic impedance
Characteristic impedance is sensitive to signal frequency.Trở kháng đặc trưng là nhạy cảm với tần số tín hiệu. a characteristic impeda...

characteristic length
characteristic length (up to or below the knee).chiều dài đặc trưng (lên đến đầu gối hoặc thấp hơn một chút). a characteristic length ...

characteristic point
The time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a satellite through a characteristic point on its orbit.Khoảng thời gian giữa hai...

characteristic polynomial
Conversely, suppose that the characteristic polynomial ofCó giả định cho rằng bản chất polycationic của For every [a,b,c] there is a c...

characteristic properties
DSC can be used to measure a number of characteristic properties of materials.Kỹ thuật DSC có thể được sử dụng để đo một số đặc tính củ...

characteristic radiation
The identification of elements by X-ray methods is possible due to the characteristic radiation emitted from the inner electronic shell...

characteristic time
The retention time is the characteristic time it takes for a particular analyte to pass through the system (from the column inlet to th...

characteristic value
Other information: environmental characteristics value (ECV) (i.e. value generated from Aztech Kyla Account ID, phone device ID, connect...

directional characteristic
Even if spread trading futures can take on the directional characteristic of straight futures trading, it is certainly an overall diffe...

dynamic characteristic
The defining dynamic characteristic of a planet is that it has cleared its neighborhood.Đặc trưng quỹ đạo định rõ của một hành tinh đó ...

euler characteristic
The one that is homogenous of degree 0 is the Euler characteristic.Độ đo có tính đồng nhất bậc 0 là đặc trưng Euler. The Super nullity...

flow characteristic
This allows the orifice to be opened and closed in a more controlled manner with a closer to linear flow characteristic.Điều này cho ph...

frequency characteristic
Three, the moment frequency characteristic is differentThứ hai, các đặc tính tần số thời điểm là khác nhau

geological characteristic
The region’s special geological characteristic helped form the country’s major gold deposits cluster, which is home to China’s largest ...

inherent characteristic
Bravery is an inherent characteristic; it doesn’t involve much thinking and manifests itself as second nature in those who are brave.Br...

linear characteristic
Note: A linear characteristic is achieved by profiling the plug skirt (see Figure 6.1.14).Lưu ý: Đặc tính tuyến tính đạt được bằng cách...

material characteristic
The material moisture is displayed directly in percentage weight by means of stored material characteristic curves for wood and buildin...